

The newest style beaded jewelry, do you love it?

 Beaded jewelry are very fashion in recent years, and what kind of jewelry do you love most?
Jewelry and ornamentation have been a part of cultures all over the world probably since it began. As people began to experiment with the resources around them-stones, trees, plants, clay, etc, they began to see great opportunities to create beautiful things. In tribes of old, the spiritual and political leaders of the community were sometimes designated by the kind of jewelry and accessories they wore. It was a sign of something special-of social advantage, or of power.
These people crafted necklaces, head adornments, and other things to drape on their bodies out of many things. Sometimes they would string them on plants or animal skins, and, of course, all were made by hand. Beaded jewelry was the norm, because most everything had to be crafted, and then strung on some kind of strand or chain. Almost anything could become a bead: a bone, a small rock, some precious stone or metal, or even hair or parts of an animal for good luck.

Making your own jewelry now!

